People of all age groups can develop food allergies and they can be allergic to all kinds of foods, even the ones they have consumed previously without developing allergic reactions.
Whenever the food is eaten, an allergic reaction will be developed. Looking out for these symptoms is the best way to identify a food allergy. Not all allergic reactions may be same; reactions to the same food may be different at different times. Once you suspect a food allergy, it is best to consult a doctor/allergist to diagnose the kind of allergy you have. They will analyse and evaluate the type of food that caused reactions, the quantity you had consumed, the kind of reactions it triggered, the amount of time it took to develop the reactions, how long they lasted, previous medical history etc. The doctor may then do a physical examination. The physical examination includes blood tests and skin tests, which will reveal the presence of food-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies in your body.
Skin prick test: the skin on your back or arm is pricked with a sterile probe and a liquid containing food allergen is placed on top of your skin and allowed to seep under the skin. If a wheal that resembles a mosquito bite appears at the site of test, then test is considered positive. Additionally the test is done on another site in the skin with a liquid that does not contain the allergen, in order to check if a wheal develops. Comparison between the two will help us confirm the allergic reaction.
Blood test: Blood tests may be done, in order to find out the presence of the food specific IgE antibody and measure the amount. The results give us a numerical value. The blood tests are comparatively less precise that the skin prick tests.
These two tests cannot conclusively prove that you have a food allergy. But the Oral food challenge can help diagnose a food allergy.
Oral food challenge: You consume the food that is suspected to give you allergic reactions, to check if it does make you react. This test is to be performed by a trained and experienced health care professional, who is good at treating severe allergic reactions.
Relieving Food allergies
There are no drugs to prevent allergic reactions. So we have to deal with them. While we all avoid foods that cause allergic reactions, we may accidentally or unknowingly consume them or other foods that may contain traces of them. In case of such an accidental exposure, make sure you get immediate medical attention. Always carry an auto-injector device containing epinephrine (adrenaline), such as an EpiPen. This may come in handy when you develop Anaphylaxis, a reaction that can impair breathing and send the body into shock, and prove to be fatal. This life-threatening reaction needs immediate attention; ask your allergist to teach you how to use the EpiPen to inject epinephrine. Apart from Anaphylaxis, several other less serious and non-fatal allergic reactions may occur including Wheezing, Dizziness or feeling faint, Swelling of the tongue, Shock or circulatory collapse, Tight & hoarse throat, trouble swallowing, Pale or blue coloring of skin, Hives, Vomiting, stomach cramps etc. Discuss with your allergist and ask him/her to prescribe medicines that will relieve food allergy symptoms.
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