Skin allergies and rashes are often considered to be reactions to chemicals in the products that were used on the skin. More often than not, there is something more to the rashes, than just irritations caused by products for external use. What we fail to realise is that the food that we consume could also be triggering the reactions. Certain foods may be perceived as danger, and the immune system triggers a protective response. Skin rashes are common manifestations of food allergies. Before you decide to visit a dermatologist, you may want to consider the possibility of the rashes being a symptom of food allergy. An allergist or an immunologist is who you must be visiting in that case.
What triggers this?
Our body responds defensively to certain proteins in food, perceiving them as a threat to the system. When we eat those foods for the first time, the immune system responds by producing certain antibodies called immunoglobulin E or IgE, that fight diseases. When the food is consumed again on successive occasions, the IgE antibodies release histamine, in order to expel the foreign body that is perceived as danger. This histamine is a powerful chemical, which may affect the skin, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and cardiovascular system. The rashes and other abnormal skin conditions that you may encounter may be a result of histamine action triggered by a food allergy. The best solution if prevention. Avoid eating foods that you are allergic to. Alternatively, the allergist may prescribe medications to cure the symptoms of the allergy.
Here are some of the skin conditions that are triggered by food allergy.
Hives are itchy red patches on the skin that appear to be raised. They can occur in any part of the body. Food is one of the reasons for the occurrence of Hive. Other reasons include drugs, insect stings etc. Acute cases of hives will last only for a few days or weeks. But chronic hives will stay for several months or even years. It needs treatment. The food that triggers hives must be identified and avoided. Additionally the allergist may prescribe antihistamines to cure the symptoms.
Angioedema is related to hives, and causes swelling in the deeper layers of skin. It may occur along with hives or on its own. It occurs in the eyelids, lips, tongue, hands and feet. Like Hives, it is also triggered by food, drugs or insect bites among others.
Eczema is a chronic skin condition that usually affects infants and young children. It inflames the skin producing red, scaly and itchy rashes. The most common reasons associated with eczema are food allergy, allergic rhinitis and asthma. The most common foods triggering eczema are eggs, soy, tree nuts, milk, peanuts, fish and wheat. The only sure shot way of finding out if you have developed eczema due to food allergy is by taking the oral food challenge. The patient is made to consume large amounts of the food that is suspected to cause the allergic reaction under the supervision of an experienced allergist. If they show signs of itchiness, redness, papules or rash within 2 hours, then it is concluded that the particular food is causing eczema. Eczema is most common in children and they outgrow the allergy over a period of time. More often than not, eczema isn't carried into adulthood. It is also known as Atopic Dermatitis.
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