Diagnosis of food allergies has classically involved the detection of IgE antibodies. ImuPro by FDA India detects IgG antibodies to food allergens with a high quality laboratory analysis. This test can detect levels of contaminants at concentrations in the low parts per million (ppm) range and proves a highly powerful diagnostic tool for analysis of 270 food products (protein solutions). Based on the results of the antibody titre, the results are classified into:
The ImuPro by FDA India offers the primary basis for an elimination and provocation diet. ImuPro guides you through this process with three phases: the elimination, the provocation and the stabilization phase.
Step 1
Antibodies are detected on the basis of their ability to actively bind to specific proteins in your food. These Food proteins bind to the surface of a titre plate. Each of these titre plates are made to react with different food items.
Step 2
Your sample is probed within the cavities from Step 1, during the analysis. If your sample contains specific IgG antibodies to a certain food, they will then bind to these food proteins, which are bound to the cavity of the micro titre plate, as they would also do within your body.
Step 3
This binding is then visualized by means of a colorimetric reaction. Additionally, sensitive measuring devices determine the amount of the bound IgG antibodies.
Note: ImuPro does not examine classic IgE-mediated allergies (type I) or intolerances to lactose, fructose and histamine. Specific test systems should be applied, in such cases.